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        Green FM Blog

        Green Facilities is committed to providing essential cleaning tips and advice. Learn more about the latest trends in the cleaning industry.

        How to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Your Office

        Most multinational organisations which have their headquarters in the UK's bustling capital at least pay lip service to their green credentials. For a significant number of London's businesses, being ecologically responsible is now woven into their fabric and something that is often mentioned in their mission statements and corporate branding aspirations. For office managers, who are always under pressure to produce efficient working spaces, this can present something of a challenge. After all, when something is demanded from an office manager in a fast-moving business environment, it can be all too easy to go for the short cut, disposal option.

        Nevertheless, reducing your business' carbon footprint – counted from the amount of energy that is used by the building and the products used in it – means taking firm decisions. And there is more to be done. According to the City of London's own report of 2009, the overall carbon footprint for the City is no less than 1.6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year.

        Thankfully, there are a number of green suppliers, service providers and producers which can take the hassle out of being environmentally responsible. If you manage an office and want to know how you can meet your ecological responsibilities, such as reducing the amount of carbon your company is responsible for releasing into the atmosphere, then read on.


        FREE RESOURCE: download our free guide to creating a cleaner and greener office, with a handy printable checklist at the end


        Make the Most of Daylight

        Studies in the United States have shown that using daylight to work by is more efficient than conventional lighting. Electrical lights are obviously needed during the capital's darker hours, but maximising the use of daylight won't just mean that you use less electricity, thereby reducing your energy bills and carbon footprint. In fact, daylight streaming in from skylights and windows will mean more productive working. When 21,000 students were compared working under daylight compared with lights, they progressed faster on average and performed up to ten per cent better than others. Designing your office so that more of its desk spaces are close to sources of natural light is a good first step as is ensuring that your windows are cleaned regularly to help make sure your team get the most of the light that is available.

        Green Commercial Office Cleaning

        Not all of commercial office cleaning London businesses contract out is the same. Some contractors use chemicals and sprays which have a negative impact on the environment when they are disposed of. This is particularly the case, for example, when certain carpet cleaning and stain removal products are required. No only do some of these chemicals take a lot of energy to produce, meaning your carbon footprint rises every time one is used, but they can cause irritability to the skin of operatives using them and to workers nearby. Always look for a contractor which is accredited to the ISO14001 standard. This means that the products they use to clean your premises are confirmed as being environmentally responsible and that they undergo regular inspections to ensure these high standards are maintained.

        Switch Electrical Supplier

        Modern server equipment, computer terminals, air-conditioning systems and electric heating all use up lots of energy. Rather than switching off essential equipment or restricting its use, why not switch to a green energy supplier instead? Green electricity and gas can be surprisingly competitive when compare to conventional suppliers. Green Energy (UK) and Ecotrcity are both good places to turn to when you are seeking to procure ethically sourced and green power for your business.

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