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        Green Office: 5 Eco-friendly Cleaning Practices & Habits

        5 Eco-friendly Cleaning Practices & Habits

        Sustainability is a top priority for many companies today, as they look to find a way to manage their day-to-day business operations in a way that’s kinder to the environment.

        A recent survey by Edie found that 80% of businesses were looking to increase their investment in sustainability before 2026, which highlights the growing recognition of the importance of eco-friendly practices.

        One approach that many modern businesses are adopting is the concept of a 'green office' - making sure their workplace takes steps to protect the environment while also enhancing employee well-being.

        Common approaches that companies can take to become a greener office include reducing waste, reducing energy usage, using sustainable products, and setting up processes and policies that contribute to a healthier workplace. 

        In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the benefits of becoming a green office, and introduce five easily actionable tips that can help your business become more eco-friendly and sustainable. 


        The benefits of a green office

        Aiming to become a green office is not just an environmentally responsible thing to do - it also delivers a range of tangible benefits for your business. 

        One of the most significant advantages is the potential for cost savings. For example, switching to energy-efficient LED lighting and installing smart thermostats can reduce energy consumption by as much as 30%.

        A robust approach to sustainability can also positively impact your company's reputation. Businesses that prioritise environmental responsibility have been found to be more appealing to both customers and employees, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and a more committed, stable workforce. 

        Studies have shown that 64% of millennials consider a company’s approach to social and environmental commitments when deciding where to work, which means that embracing the shift to a green office can help you attract top talent.

        Becoming a green office is also about protecting employee wellbeing. Many traditional cleaning products contain chemicals that employees may be sensitive to, especially if they suffer from asthma, allergies, or other medical conditions. By switching to green cleaning products you can help keep your employees healthier, and reduce the number of sickness related absences. 

        There are clearly many benefits to becoming a green office. So, let's look at some practical tips to help you get started. 


        1. Encourage office recycling

        One of the most important things to consider if you’re looking to become a greener office is your approach to recycling. 

        Many businesses struggle with implementing an effective recycling programme, but implementing it correctly can cut overall waste disposal costs by as much as 70%, at the same time as reducing the amount of waste that makes its way to landfill. 

        If you believe your business could improve its recycling efforts, consider these initial steps:

        • Conduct a waste audit

        The best place to start is by assessing the types and amounts of waste your office generates, as this can help identify where your recycling efforts should be focused.

        • Place recycling bins strategically

        To encourage employees to embrace your recycling strategy, it’s important to make participation easy. This involves making sure recycling bins are placed strategically in high-traffic areas, as well as locations such as near printers or photocopiers. 

        • Reduce paper usage

        Many businesses are yet to go fully ‘paperless,’ but it’s a good idea to encourage the use of digital documents where possible and encourage double-sided printing to reduce paper waste.

        • Create a recycling policy

        Make your expectations for company recycling clear, by developing a clear policy that outlines what can be recycled and how materials should be sorted.

        • Provide employee training

        Regularly educate employees about recycling practices to ensure they understand and follow the policy.

        • Appoint a coordinator

        One of the most common reasons why office recycling programmes don’t live up to their potential, is that there isn’t anyone policing it. It’s worth designating a staff member to oversee the recycling programme to ensure it runs smoothly.


        2. Choose the right products for hand cleaning and sanitising

        During the COVID-19 pandemic, hand sanitising stations became a common feature in offices, and they still remain a valuable addition to maintaining hand hygiene and preventing the spread of infection.

        However, if you’re looking to become a green office it's important to choose hand sanitisers that are environmentally friendly, and free from harmful chemicals like quaternary ammonium compounds (quats) and triclosan, which can contribute to environmental pollution and employee health risks. 

        Additionally, it’s best to avoid products with synthetic dyes and fragrances, which can also have a negative impact on the environment. 

        If you want to choose a greener alternative, try to opt for products containing water as one of the main ingredients and using ethanol or ethyl alcohol. These products are equally effective in killing germs and keeping your workforce healthy without having a negative environmental impact.


        3. Use green office cleaning products

        Choosing eco-friendly cleaning products is another crucial step in becoming a greener office and protecting the health and safety of your employees. 

        We’ve already touched on this, but many traditional cleaning products contain chemicals like ammonia, bleach, and phthalates that can cause respiratory issues and skin irritation, contribute to indoor air pollution, and damage the environment. 

        Green cleaning products are often biodegradable and made from renewable resources, meaning they break down more easily and reduce the risk of pollution. And as they don’t contain any toxic chemicals, the use of green cleaning products can also improve indoor air quality, leading to a happier, healthier workforce. 

        When you’re choosing green cleaning products, try to make sure they carry the EU Ecolabel, for complete peace of mind that they are safe and environmentally friendly. Alternatively, you might choose to partner with a cleaning company that prioritises sustainability, who can help ensure your office is stocked with the right eco-friendly cleaning products.  


        4. Use plants to improve indoor air quality

        Switching to green cleaning products can make a huge difference to your indoor air quality. 

        It’s also important to regularly clean your carpets and maintain your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system to prevent dust from circulating throughout the office.

        But if you want to take things a step further in the pursuit of achieving a healthy office environment, you might consider including plants within your office environment. 

        Plants like the Snake Plant, Spider Plant, and Peace Lily are particularly effective at filtering toxins from the air, improving air quality at the same time as adding to your office ambience.  


        5. Educate staff that quick-fix solutions aren’t the route to a green office

        Achieving a sustainable green office requires a long-term commitment and the participation of all employees. 

        It’s not something that can be achieved with a one-off “quick fix.” 

        It’s important to educate your staff on the importance of consistent green practices and aim to integrate sustainable habits into their daily work activities.

        Partnering with the right green cleaning company can help ensure that all your staff are well-versed in green practices and have the guidance they need to keep the office clean while being kind to the environment. 


        Choose the right commercial cleaning company to help you achieve a green office

        Sometimes, the challenges of modern business can mean that it’s not possible to effectively keep on top of your own office cleaning. 

        This is why many businesses choose to outsource their cleaning to a commercial cleaning company. 

        If you’re looking for a commercial cleaning company, it’s important to find a partner that shares your commitment to the environment.

        With over 20 years of experience cleaning businesses across London, Green FM is a leader in eco-friendly office cleaning. 

        Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. We exclusively use environmentally friendly products and cutting-edge technology to reduce waste, and our ISO 14001-certified processes are a testament to our dedication to environmental management.

        We understand that every business is unique, which is why we offer a completely tailored approach to address your specific office cleaning needs and help you reach your sustainability goals.

        So if you’re ready to make your office cleaner and greener, get in touch with Green FM today.


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